Advanced Black & White PhotoGraphY
Courses Discription:
The structure of this course involves lectures and demonstrations presented by the instructor and independent darkroom work done on behalf of each student. Traditionally, photography is taught in three parts:
(1) classroom instruction,
(2) darkroom production under the instructor’s supervision,
(3) viewing images and reading from the history of photography.
It is important to come to every class during this eighteen-week course, as complex lab demonstrations are difficult to produce more than once in the lab.
The students will be introduced to many different traditional photographic processes and produce black and white photographic prints within a studio art setting. Emphasis will be placed upon the elements and principles of design.
The students will demonstrate an understanding of photographic equipment and its proper use to produce their own high quality photographs.
The students will demonstrate knowledge of specific photographers, important masterpieces of photography, and specific movements in photographic history.
Each student will formally analyze photographs in writing and in group critiques with emphasis on two dimensional design elements and principles.
This eighteen-week semester will consist of photographic projects, reading and writing assignments, along with a final exam. Late work will be accepted up to one week past its due date without prior arrangement with the instructor or your guidance counselor. Points will be deducted for work not turned in on time. Grades will be determined by the following:
Projects: 90%
Final Exam:10%
Grading scale:
100%-90%=A, 89%-80%=B, 79%-70%=C, 69%-60%=D, 59%....F
Advanced Projects:

Light Painting:
Elements & Principles of ART
35mm camera: Portrait/lighting/low shutter speed
watch this Digital video example
Light Painting Archive
Painted Developer:


Final Project:
Local Photography Suppliers:
Quality Plus Photo Supplies
11523 Harlem Avenue, Worth, IL 60482
(708) 448-2140
LaGrange Camera & Video
20 East Burlington Avenue, La Grange, IL 60525
(708) 352-0070
The Photographic Depot
110 1/2 West Burlington Ave., La Grange, Illinois 60525
(708) 354-7800
Precision Camera
Online Photo Suppliers:
Freestyle Photographic Supplies