Digital Media
This computer-based class is a beginning level course designed for students of various levels. Our classes are skill-based and good skills come with practice not with talent. Students will be taught various "tricks of the trade" to make digital image to look more interesting/ sophisticated.
As a student, you will explore the Elements and Principles of Art (visual building blocks) incorporating them into your digital images. Further, we will investigate composition and learn to use some programs in Adobe Cloud.
Class assignments vary according to subject matter, application needs and time. In general, all assignments will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Technique- Students will be taught to produce digital images using a specific approaches. Works will be evaluated according to the effectiveness of each particular effort.
Composition- Students will learn about placement of the parts of an image: Principles of design and rule of thirds.
Guy Cesario "Passion" |
Josh Frencl "Congested" |
Monica Marsan "Chaotically" |
Word Art
BriElle Achterhof "Radioactive" |
Max Lach Cubism |
Alexa Marines cubism-portrait |
Cubistic Portrait
Maddy Wikstrom "BadmintionInMotion" |
AnnieMarie Scott "Jump" |
Alexa Marines "Violin" |