Course Description:
In Ceramics we learned a few techniques in forming and assembling clay. Advanced Ceramics will build “ideas and concepts” onto those beginning lessons; students will be in charge of designing their projects and how they will create them.
The course is divided into two major areas:
Hand-building includes the basic techniques necessary for the construction of pinch pot, coil pot, press mold pot, etc.; including a variety of decorative effects.
Throwing on the potter’s wheel includes both utilitarian forms, such as bowls, vases, teapots, etc., as well as sculptural forms.
Here is the link to the Projects Archive.
This is where you will turn in a photo of each project.
Slides are in order by period/hour, find your class and put your name on a Slide; add photo upon completion of each project!
Course Project Outline:

Stamp Making- 3D Design
Students will learn 3D softwares to design and produce an
object via 3D printers.
Project Videos:

*Day 2 remake:
Unit 1:
Students will start the semester with a one week trial period on the potter's wheel. Get some experience, try it out....see what they think.
The Potter's Wheel is a challenging tool to learn, but is gratifying and rewarding when given the time.
-Students will learn the formal steps of throwing on the potter's wheel.
-Students will learn to throw a cylinder and a bowl. the Whichford Pottery gang...
Process & Steps: ...for a cylinder
Step 1- Centering and Wheel wedging
Step 2- Preparing Bottom!....Cylinder!
Step 3- Pulling Walls.
Step 4- Shaping.
Step 5- Trimming Excess.

2. Bowl Form with trimmed foot
Process & Steps: ...for a bowl!
Step 1- Centering and Wheel wedging
Step 2- Preparing Bottom!....Bowl?
Step 3- Pulling Walls.
Step 4- Shaping.
Step 5- Trimming Excess.
After our wheel intro week, students can choose which UNIT 2 track
they want to follow, the wheel above or choice below:
Unit 4:
Advanced Ceramics students will design a LAMP!
-Students will draft a PLAN for their Lamp design.
-Students will construct a Lamp.
Unit 2:
Students have already made a TEAPOT in Ceramics 1.
Students will now design a teapot by infusing animal characteristics into a teapot form.
TeaPot Rubric
Press Mold TeaPot BODY Videos:
4. TEA POT Assembly
TeaPot Lid Videos:
1. Collect LID Parts
2. How to Make Spouts

Other Info/Inspo!
Unit 3:
Students will research & choose an artist who's style speaks to them and infuse that idea into a pottery design.
Students will choose a dynamic form to complement their artists style.

Lali Moreno "Frida Kahlo"
Unit 4:
Advanced Ceramics RAKU-
Advanced Ceramics students will design their own project for this RAKU workshop.
-Students will construct artworks using a specific RAKU clay body (High Grog) to make work for the RAKU firing process.

Other Info/Inspo!
Choice Project- Pick 2! or come up with something....
Advanced Ceramics students will agree to 2 projects within a set time frame!
-Students will research and gather multiple ideas to discuss and choose from.
-Students will draft a PLAN for their 2 designs.
Artist Bio's-
Steven Hill- vid1, vid2, vid3, vid4,
Ayumi Horie- vid1, vid2, vid3, vid4, vid5
Dick Lehman- vid1, vid2, vid3,
Lorna Meaden- vid1, vid2, vid3, vid4,
Justin Rothshank- vid1, vid2, vid3,
Brett Kern- vid1, vid2,