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Moraine Valley High School Art Show!

The show runnings from March 9-19

Opening Friday, March 13! 6-8pm

A time lapse video of the 11 participating schools setting up the gallery space at the Moraine Valley high school show.



Artist Title of Artwork

1st Place: Alex Huff ”Steamboat”

2nd Place: Aida Rasmussen ”Catching Up"

3rd Place: Alesia Karuntzos ”Determined"

Honorable Mention: Shelia Walsh ”Clowning Around”

Honorable Mention: Alyssa Acevedo ”Corner the Sky”

Honorable Mention: Sarah Dolitsky ”Mandala”

Honorable Mention: Monica Marsan ”Chaotically”

Honorable Mention: Annie Connolly ”Self-Portrait”

Honorable Mention: Maddy Knaus ”Puns & Roses”

Honorable Mention: Alyssa Mohn ”Magic Swag Grandpa”

Sandburg, Stagg, & Andrew participating in this show:

Students setting up art show!

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