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  Art & Design 


When you make a purchase, what are the factors that contribute to your choice? When factors of function,

fit and price are equal, does the consumer automatically choose the product with the best visual appeal? 

Or does visual appeal trump price?


The Art & Design class will examine the Elements and Principles of Art and how they are instrumental in creating products of visual interest. We wil use these tools to guide us through an exploration of 2D and 3D processes and media.


Elements: line, shape, texture, value, color, space

Principles: balance, unity, rhythm, emphasis, variety, proportion


We'll learn about the contemporary design movement and art history as we view images made by artists throughout time.

We will learn to ask good questions about art and the design of products. As a result, we will become comfortable talking about art and products in the marketplace. 


Projects change each year, here are some recent projects



Ceramics (Mug and vessel)

Caricature/Cartoon Drawing

Students using the iMac Studio to create animated figures

Enameled Copper Pendants

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