The Sandburg Beautification Commitee

The Beautification Commitee wants the beautification of our campus to be designed by the students. The Beautification Commitee is planning on rolling out a design contest for the students to present their concept of what would make our campus more beautiful!
Questions posed to students:
Who are we, the Sandburg Eagles?
Many pieces to this project are currently in the works, including funding, programming, and rules & regulations.
Mission Statement:
We are so proud of our school, and district, and we want the world to know it.
We want to take people's breath away when they enter our campus.
We want people to SEE how we feel.
Deb Baker, Bridget O’Connor, Christina Simpson, Christina Soldan, Dan McCabe, Dave Reilly, Dave Wierzal, Donna Skach, Janine Wilkins,
Jim Corcoran, Joe Geiger, Kara Cicarelli, Laura Schmuck, Scott McMillan, Yolanda Kollianitis