Seven Sandburg Art students compete strongly at the Regional Scholastic Arts Competition/ Exhibition at Downers Grove North High School.
On January 18, 2020, students from Sandburg competed against students from forty schools in the West Suburban Chicago Regional Scholastic Arts Awards and Exhibition at the Downers Grove North High School, Downers Grove, Illinois. Sandburg students entered 43 individual works and 2 portfolios in the regional competition which judged nearly 2200 works.
One American Vision award was won by Tina Siebenaler. This is the highest honored award of the competition and represents one of the best five works from all the Gold Key winners.
Two additional Gold Keys were awarded to Jada Scott. These three top winning pieces will travel to New York City, next month, to compete nationally against all other gold key and American Vision award winners from throughout the United States.
Anna Friel, Brooke Wehmeier and Walla Yasin won Silver Keys while Lanie Pelegrino, Amira Judeh and Delany Fisher won Honorable Mentions.
The opening ceremonies for our Regional exhibition will be held on February 2, 2019 from 1:00-4:00PM at the Downers Grove North High School. The exhibition will run from February 2- 8, 2020.
Opening ceremonies are February 2, 2020 from 1:00-4:00PM
Congratulations Tina Siebenaler! A "Gold Key," and "American Vision award nomination!"
2020 Sandburg line up:
Tina Siebenaler- "Story Telling" GOLD KEY & American Vision award nomination.......
Jada Scott- "Virginity" GOLD KEY
Jada Scott- "The Man in the Yellow Hat" GOLD KEY
Walla Yasin- "Frozen" SILVER KEY
Brooke Wehmeier- "Teeth Cup" SILVER KEY
Anna Friel- "Silence" SILVER KEY
Lanine Pelegrino- "Come Back" HONORABLE MENTION
Delany Fisher- ''A Goldie's Paradise" HONORABLE MENTION
Amira Judeh- "Books and Apples" HONORABLE MENTION