McCord Gallery is graciously offering us their space for an exhibition of your work, from 11/13 through 2/8.
Our reception is Sunday, January 24th from noon - 2 pm.
This is an incredibly special opportunity that most high school students will not experience,
at least until they are in college.
Please, let us enjoy and appreciate this opportunity that McCord has so generously given to us.
All are welcome!
Please come help us celebrate all the great work are students are making!
You are invited to visit the exhibit on display at the McCord Gallery & Cultural Center in Palos Park. Some of you know this as the "old white farmhouse, just north of Jewel."
The old white farmhouse is now a registered historic landmark and an art gallery/cultural center.
McCord also offers group classes and private lessons in visual art and music.
The work of our students in AP Studio Art is currently being displayed at McCord. Our opening reception is this Sunday, January 24th, from 12-2 pm.
This is unique and real-world experience for our students, who have not only created their own art, but prepared it for public viewing. They will be there on Sunday to answer any question you may have about their work and to learn what it is like to promote their own art.
Please feel free to join us this Sunday! Refreshments provided (the students are baking, as well.).
Thank You!
The Sandburg Art. Department