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Sandburg students attend S.W.S.C. Arts Festival!


The Sandburg Art Department has displayed student artworks for years in the Southwest Suburban Conference (S.W.S.C.) Visual Arts Festival. This year is no different.

The S.W.S.C. Arts Festival is Friday, Feb. 6th, hosted by Governor’s State University.

Sandburg’s 2015 student line-up is as follows:

Taylor UDarbe, Anna Pietkiewicz, Sarah Heidegger, Olivia Good, Justin Arcenal, Katie Krupa, Toma Solovey, Alex Baldivino, Anna Grabin, & Jordan Small.

The participating students were chosen by the schools art teachers to act as representatives on the school’s behalf, in person, & via their exemplary art work which will be on display in Governor’s State art gallery.

As the schools assemble at Governor’s State for the Feb. 6th event, they will congregate in Governor’s art gallery and view the works of all the participants.

The first part of the days programming will be introductions by Governor’s State representative, a talk from keynote speaker, and awards ceremony.

The show is judged, awards will be posted soon, TBA….

Keynote Speaker:

This year's keynote speaker will be Jessica Segal. Jessica is an artist and the Gallery Director at Union Street Gallery in Chicago Heights.

Concluding the first segment, student have the option to participate in their choice of (3) workshops hosted by Governor’s State professors:

They will be offering 8 breakout sessions:

Printmaking 1

Printmaking 2

Painting Collage 1

Painting Collage 2

Clay 1

Clay 2


*Special Event* (this year only)

ART RISING- Professor Jeff Stevenson will work with (16) students, one student, chosen from each school.


We are surrounded by images of violence from around the world, across our country, and in our own communities. Although reports indicate that the world is less violent now than at any time in history, increased media coverage raises awareness and gives access to information about violence in amounts never before experienced. Violence has become a marketable commodity for the news, entertainment, and even social media. How do we respond? What do we say?

Pablo Picasso responded to violence through his famous artwork "Guernica". Simon Schama's "The Power of Art - Picasso"

SWSC 2/6/15

The workshop "ART RISING: Response to Violence" will invite up to 16 students from the Southwest Suburban Conference High School Festival to explore our contemporary issues of violence through the lens of Picasso's Guernica, cubism, and other forms of artistic expression. Artist and Gallery Director Jeff Stevenson will guide participants through a discussion, preliminary plans and sketches, distribute canvases and supplies so that students can complete the work at home or in their own classrooms.

Once completed the panels will be collected and installed by mid-March on GSU's campus. Participating students (and a guest) will be invited to a reception and dedication ceremony on Friday, March 27 at 7pm and a performance in the Center for Performing Arts at 8pm "The Cotton Mouth Club" . Participating students and their guest will receive complimentary tickets to the performance.

SWSC organizers will nominate students to participate in the project and attend the workshop on 2/6 where supplies will be distributed. Students who are nominated to participate should watch Simon Schama's "The Power of Art - Picasso" prior to 2/6 to best prepare for the project.

Saturday, Feb. 7, friends and family are welcome to the campus open house and view the student art works.

-Anna Pietkiewicz & Sarah Heidegger by their sculptures

Congratulations to Sarah Heidegger for winning the Best in School Award!

This years keynote speaker, Jessica Segal, artist & Gallery Director at Union Street Gallery

ART RISING Workshop: Sandburg student Alex Baldivino participates on our behalf.

Sculpture & glass instructors working with high school students.

Printing making instructor, printing on a shirt.

...she got some ink on her arm...

Ceramics instructor handbuilding some sweet bowls.

Kids throwing on potters wheel after demonstration.

Little rascal got tuckered out after a full day of ART!

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